SVI in Sandy, Utah
Pet owners: please ask your veterinarian to fill out a referral form and send us your pet’s medical records using the button above.
If you have other questions, we’re happy to help. You can use the Pet Owners Contact Form above or give us a call.
128 Slice CT
Neurology imaging services
High resolution console ultrasound
Echocardiography with full workups
Image-guided biopsies
I-131 with scintigraphy
Synovetin OA injection treatment for canine OA
Why are there no prices listed?
We will always recommend the lowest-cost imaging or procedure that provides an ANSWER. However, we need more information about your pet’s condition and medical history to make a recommendation and provide accurate pricing. Please reach out to speak to one of our Client Services team members, who will always have the most up-to-date pricing information.
8590 S 1300 E
Sandy, UT 84094
(385) 707-5361
Monday–Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Closed on weekends